Colors of the Detroit Ren Cen IMG_6309
Michael Thomas
Detroit Millender Center and Detroit Ren Cen IMG_6315 Starlight
Michael Thomas
Detroit Corktown sign and Michigan Central Station v2 IMG_6210
Michael Thomas
Snowy Detroit Corktown sign and Michigan Central BW IMG_6210
Michael Thomas
Mobile Alabama Dauphin Street at 3 Georges
Michael Thomas
Chicago Skyline IMG_4699
Michael Thomas
Chicago Skyline IMG_4652
Michael Thomas
Chicago Union Station IMG_4671
Michael Thomas
Detroit Greektown Street IMG_7283
Michael Thomas
Detroit American Coney Island IMG_7420
Michael Thomas
Fillmore IMG_9365
Michael Thomas
Flower Tree and Belle Isle Fountain IMG_9592 Detroit Michigan
Michael Thomas
Rain Over Detroit and Belle Isle Bridge DJI_0566 Detroit Michigan
Michael Thomas
Detroit Boat Club DJI_0561
Michael Thomas
Belle Isle and the Detroit Yacht Club DJI_0557
Michael Thomas
Dequindre Cut Art Detroit Michigan Nark Moop IMG_9656
Michael Thomas
Eastern Market Tunnel Art IMG_9648 Detroit Michigan
Michael Thomas
Fort Street Church IMG_9699 Detroit Michigan
Michael Thomas
General Motors Ren Cen Entrance IMG_9677 Detroit Michigan
Michael Thomas
St Andrews IMG_9738 Detroit Michigan Hall
Michael Thomas
Detroit Firehouse No 11 IMG_9551
Michael Thomas
Eastern Market Corner IMG_9377 Detroit Michigan
Michael Thomas
Detroit Sports Fields DJI_0529 Comerica Par and Ford Field
Michael Thomas
Detroit Sign IMG_9316 Detroit City Block
Michael Thomas
Detroit City Block Crossing Bangkok IMG_4105
Michael Thomas
2 Seconds IMG_9230 Detroit Building Art
Michael Thomas
Detroit People Mover SKY IMG_6900
Michael Thomas
Hart Plaza and RenCen DJI_0771
Michael Thomas
Comerica Park DJI_0813
Michael Thomas
Detroit RenCen Sunrise V2 DJI_0768
Michael Thomas
Fox Theater on Woodward DJI_0821
Michael Thomas
GM and the Fisher Building DJI_0825
Michael Thomas
Fox Theater DJI_0823
Michael Thomas
Ambassador Bridge DJI_0756
Michael Thomas
Ambassador Bridge V2 DJI_0756
Michael Thomas
Detroit Skyline DJI_0745
Michael Thomas
Detroit Church and RenCen V2 DJI_0704
Michael Thomas
Downtown Detroit Buildings DJI_0732
Michael Thomas
Detroit Church and RenCen DJI_0721
Michael Thomas
Snowy Comerica Park DJI_0741
Michael Thomas
Bridge and Downtown DJI_0760
Michael Thomas
Detroit is not Dead DJI_0671
Michael Thomas
Detroit Skyline DJI_0433
Michael Thomas
Detroit Ren Cen DJI_0475
Michael Thomas
Grand Central DJI_0453
Michael Thomas
Grand Central DJI_0462
Michael Thomas
Watertower Skyline DJI_0690
Michael Thomas
Watertower Skyline V2 DJI_0690
Michael Thomas
Bridgeview DJI_0696
Michael Thomas
Ren Cen Street DJI_0688
Michael Thomas
None Shall Pass DJI_0666
Michael Thomas
Queens Bar DSC_1304 Artwork
Michael Thomas
Belle Isle Bridge DSC_0871
Michael Thomas
Closed Never DSC_1257 V3
Michael Thomas
Greektown DSC_1215 Vintage
Michael Thomas
Deer on Bridge IMG_4143
Michael Thomas
Snowy Deer on Bridge IMG_4143 V1
Michael Thomas
Snowy Colored Trees in Columbus IMG_4138
Michael Thomas
OK Bike between Bus down Sidewalk
Michael Thomas
White Horse Inn Painted DSC_0749 .. Metamora Michigan
Michael Thomas
Fillmore DSC_0656
Michael Thomas
Fox Theater DSC_0635
Michael Thomas
Utica Shell DSC_0537
Michael Thomas
USA Tire DSC_0529
Michael Thomas
Locker Room DSC_0360
Michael Thomas
Utica Barber Shop DSC_0330
Michael Thomas
Shamrock DSC_0338
Michael Thomas
Royal Oak Theater DSC_0460
Michael Thomas
Royal Oak Theater V2 DSC_0432
Michael Thomas
Bragg Mitchell House in Mobile Alabama
Michael Thomas
Wintzells Front Door in Mobile Alabama
Michael Thomas
Fort Conde Inn in Mobile Alabama
Michael Thomas